Announcements ~ 2024 State Conference May 31st to June 2nd

North Dakota State Society
Daughters of the American Revolution

2024 State Conference

North Dakota Daughters,

Minishoshe-Mandan Chapter has been selected to host this year’s Annual State Conference. The conference is scheduled for the weekend of May 31, 2024. All registered members are welcome to attend.

This year we are celebrating our Society with a very special guest, President General Pamela Rouse-Wright. When we celebrate our Society with the President General, we have a longer session.

Friday evening, we will meet at the Bistro in Bismarck for a social hour. The event is a “cash bar” and appetizers are provided.

Saturday morning registration opens at 8:30. This is an opportunity to meet with friends and participate in Community Service Projects. Chapter achievements and Silent Auction items are on display.

Saturday lunch with a guest speaker begins our afternoon. After our luncheon, plan to attend a general business meeting.

Saturday evening’s event includes a semi-formal banquet and our President General as guest speaker.

 To complete the day’s events, a reception in the State Regent’s suite for all guests.

Chapter: $50.00 from each Chapter (PG visit is typically $100, carry over from 2023 is being applied) made out to NDDAR and sent to Carol Denault: 609 3 rd St NE, Valley City, ND 58072. 
Due by May 1, 2024.

**Individual: $15.00 for each in-person attendee made out to ND DAR and sent to Carol Denault: 609 3 rd St NE, Valley City, ND 58072. Due by May 1, 2024.

** If you paid for 2023, due to our redirection, you will not be responsible for registration in 2024. Check with your Chapter Treasurer.